Demon Hunters: A Comedy of...
Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors is a roleplaying game that blends comedy and action-horror in a modern day world where...
action, angels, demons, horror, magic, modern, monsters, mystery, vampires, werewolves, zombies
Cam Banks
Fae is a tabletop Role Playing Game like no other where monsters lurk in a world of humans in the shadows. Play...
fairies, monsters
Jay Mooers
Hunter: The Reckoning
A Storytelling Game of Desperate Measures You saw what you shouldn’t have, the veil pulled back from the secret world...
aliens, angels, demons, dragons, fairies, fantasy, horror, modern, monsters, vampires, werewolves
The truth hurts and there's no use sugarcoating it. Ghosts are real. Demons, too, along with those bumps in the...
angels, demons, fairies, ghosts, horror, modern, monsters, vampires, werewolves
Jamie Chambers
Occult criminality and monster-hunting in a cursed corner of 18th-century England In the tabletop adventures of TEETH, players take on...
horror, monsters
Jim Rossignol