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Must Be Tuesday

 Author: Derek Chappell  Category: horror, monsters, teens  Publisher: Newstand Press

Must Be Tuesday is a light RPG that recreates the tone and plots of high school “Monster of the Week” television, particularly early Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Players take the role of high school students facing off against the forces of darkness besieging their school. The catch, however, is that the players themselves are also monsters, with their supernatural half constantly vying for control. Players must learn to effectively balance  their lives, or face the possibility that their high school diploma will be posthumous!

Must be Tuesday uses a unique combination of d6 dice pools, a character slider between a character’s mundane and supernatural halves, and a simple, straightforward system of character traits, items, weaknesses and desires to create and resolve character-driven conflicts. Character creation takes just a few minutes and the game can be run with little prep-time thanks to the plot generator included in the book.
