Broken Compass
Broken Compass is an Adventure Role-Playing Game inspired by the great movies and games of the genre, from the Mummy all...
30s, 40s, 90s, action, adventure, aliens, animals, bunnies, cartoon, cats, criminals, cthulhu, cyberpunk, dogs, dragons, dystopia, foxes, ghosts, gods, horror, horses, mice, modern, pulp, sci-fi, space, star wars, teens, time travel, vampires, werewolves, western, zombies
Simone Formicola, Riccardo Sirignano
Outgunned is a cinematic action rpg inspired by the classics of the genre, from Die Hard to True Lies, passing through James Bond,...
action, adventure, aliens, angels, animals, cartoon, cop, criminals, cthulhu, cyberpunk, demons, dystopia, eastern, fantasy, future, generic, ghosts, gunslingers, horror, isekai, magic, martial arts, mice, modern, parallel worlds, post-apocalypse, pulp, rats, sci-fi, space, star wars, super-hero, swashbuckling, teens, vampires, villains, werewolves, western, zombies
Riccardo “Rico” Sirignano