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Teens in Space

 Author: Doug Levandowski  Category: sci-fi, space, teens  Publisher: Hunters Entertainment  Game System: Kids on Bikes

Teens in Space is a space opera RPG that uses the “Powered by Kids on Bikes” system, first used in the award wininng Kids on Bikes. Written and created by celebrated game designers Jon Gilmour (Dead of WinterKids on Bikes) & Doug Levandowski (Gothic Doctor, Kids on Bikes) with the evocative art of Heather Vaughan (Beneath Nexus, Kids on Bikes), Teens in Space is a rules-light storytelling system that takes you into the cosmos for adventure and profit.

Kids on Bikes is NOT required to play Teens in Space.

The Adventures of Teens in Space take place across the vast and sometimes uncharted reaches of the universe, with fantastical things like: 

  • Diverse and interesting alien species of all shapes and sizes
  • Powerful faster than light space ships that can take you across the universe
  • Strange, beautiful, and even terrifying worlds ripped right from your imagination 

Teens in Space takes characters to places beyond our celestial comfort zone, out into the cosmos where anything and everything *could* happen. 

Teens in Space is a 126 page, rules-light, fast-paced storytelling game using the “Powered by Kids on Bikes” system meaning that many players will feel right at home. Despite the added layers of Sci-Fi this remains a game in which you can jump right into the action and start playing RIGHT NOW!

Using familiar stats like GRIT, CHARM, FIGHT, FLIGHT, BRAINS and BRAWN, you’ll jump into the action. Each skill is represented by a polyhedral die based on your character’s competence. More sides = better chance of success.

That being said, even low stats always have a chance of success, as any max result EXPLODES leading to an additional re-roll contributing to the results. Lower sided dice mean bigger chances of explosions!

Character and Ship Creation

Character creation is a hallmark feature of the “Powered by Kids On Bikes” system, and we’ve added even more of what you loved from before with Teens in Space!

Featuring an all new, immersive ship-creation process, you and the other players will create their collective “home away from home” (and in part the very universe) for your game as you create your characters. You’ll start with Tropes you know and love (like the Newbie, the Merc, or the Captain), you’ll flesh your characters out by developing their relationships to the crew and the ship!

Did we forget to mention ship improvements?  

Teens in Space also features a vast series of options for the customization of your ships as your trek across the cosmos. From specialized upgrades effective in the new ship to ship combat system, or more utilitarian instrunments that can help you solve the mysteries of the universe – go in for the long haul and build that personal connection with your vessel! 

Possibly the greatest tool in your high tech arsenal, the ship will no doubt be getting you out of a pinch or two. You’ll need to choose how you upgrade your ship wisely!

The vast cosmos are waiting to be explored… does your crew have the moxy to claim glory?
