Showing 1-9 of 9 Books
Broken Compass
Broken Compass is an Adventure Role-Playing Game inspired by the great movies and games of the genre, from the Mummy all...
30s, 40s, 90s, action, adventure, aliens, animals, bunnies, cartoon, cats, criminals, cthulhu, cyberpunk, dogs, dragons, dystopia, foxes, ghosts, gods, horror, horses, mice, modern, pulp, sci-fi, space, star wars, teens, time travel, vampires, werewolves, western, zombies Simone Formicola, Riccardo Sirignano
Defiant RPG is an urban fantasy game about the mighty, modern-day supernaturals who rebelled against their destiny and, instead of destroying...
angels, demons, dragons, fantasy, gods, modern, post-apocalypse
Demigods is a tabletop role-playing game about what happens when mortal life is turned upside down by the discovery of...
gods, magic, modern Jason Mills
Demon Hunters
From the creators of "The Gamers" films! Since the most ancient days of the world, the forces of evil have...
aliens, angels, demons, fairies, fantasy, gods, horror, madness, magic, modern, sci-fi, time travel, villains, werewolves, zombies Jamie Chambers
End of the World: Wrath...
The supernatural enters the physical world in Wrath of the Gods, the second book in The End of the World roleplaying line! With...
gods, horror, modern, survival Tim Cox
Before there was a World of Darkness, there was an age of savage adventure.T he Realm of the Dragon-Blooded stands...
fantasy, gods Robert Hatch
You are a Chosen One. One of the few who have heard the call of the forgotten gods, standing ready to...
gods Bastien Lecouffe Deharme
You are the child of a God, born to the magic of yesterday and the promise of tomorrow. You live...
gods, modern Danielle Lauzon
Shield Maidens
A brand new science-fiction roleplaying game, Shield Maidens is written by Alison Cybe to meld a cyberpunk world with Viking mythology. You...
cyberpunk, gods, vikings Alison Cybe